How to transfer lotus mail files from one server to other

I have to transfer a mail file 100242.nsf from  LoharinagPalaM1 server to ERHQM1 server…
Here are the steps

Open your Lotus Notes Mail Admin ( I exlained the process of setting up in last post)

Open Server from file

choose your local server i.e. LoharinagPalaM1 from dropdown click ok

Go to domain > Files > /lotus/notesdata/ mail and select the nsf file as shown 
right click on it and choose Access control > Manage 

 (click image to enlarge)

1 Click on Add
2 Click human icon
3 choose address book
4 5 find destination mail server i.e. ERHQ mail admin
6 Add
7 ok

 (click image to enlarge)

1 Now select user type Person
2 Access Manager
3 uncheck Delete Documents
4 Ok

1. Now open Domain>People and Groups
2 Domino direct > NTPC directory > people
3 select name
4 right click > move to another server

1 Select server eg ERHQM1
2 OK
3 OK

Now You can do Recertify from your own server but it is recomended from main server i.e. CorpM1
So choose File>open server > select CorpM1 > OK

1. Now open Domain>People and Groups
2 Domino direct > NTPC directory > people
3 select name
4 right click >
5 choose recertify

1 Click on server
2 select destination server
3 ok
4 enter password
5 ok
