Convert Excel to HTML and ftp upload

  • Start Visual Studio.
  • On the File menu, point to New, and then click Project.
  • In the templates pane, expand Visual C# or Visual Basic, and then expand Office.
  • Under the expanded Office node, select the 2007 if you have Excel 2007 installed, or select the 2010 node if you have Excel 2010 installed.
  • In the list of project templates, select Excel 2007 Add-in or Excel 2010 Add-in.
  • In the Name box, type Excel2HtmlConverter.
  • Click OK.

    Imports System.IO
    Imports System.Data
    Imports System.Net
    Imports System.Threading
    Imports System.Net.Sockets
    Imports MySql.Data.MySqlClient

    Public Class ThisAddIn
        Public status As String

        Private Sub ThisAddIn_Startup() Handles Me.Startup
            Dim theFile As String = getFilename()
            Application.Workbooks.Open("E:\webapp\ppm\upload\PPM\DAILYFLASH\" & theFile)
            status = status & " Loading xlsx "
            Dim touploadFile As String = "E:\winapps\dailyFlashExcel2Html\dailyFlashExcel2Html\bin\Debug\htm\" & "dfcr" & Left(theFile, 8) & ".mht"
            status = status & " Converting to HTML " & Application.Path & "\htm\"
            Application.AlertBeforeOverwriting = False
            Application.ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs(touploadFile, Excel.XlFileFormat.xlWebArchive)
            status = status & " Converting to HTML "
            'start upload
            FtpUploadFileToServer("", touploadFile, "/var/www/dp/ext/ppmmob/files/dailycompile/", , "****", "****", , True)
            '  MsgBox(status)

        End Sub

        Private Sub ThisAddIn_Shutdown() Handles Me.Shutdown

        End Sub
        Private Function getFilename() As String
            Dim result As String = ""
                Dim cmd As MySqlCommand = New MySqlCommand("SELECT filename FROM `upload_cmg` WHERE type = 'DAILYFLASH' order by last_updated desc limit 1", conn)
                Dim reader As MySqlDataReader
                Dim dt As New DataTable
                reader = cmd.ExecuteReader   ''cmd.ExecuteNonQuery()  for update operation
                Dim i As Integer = dt.Rows.Count
                Dim j As Integer = 0

                While j < i

                    result = dt.Rows(j).Item(0).ToString
                    '  ipaddress(j, 1) = dt.Rows(j).Item(1).ToString
                    j = j + 1
                End While
                Return result
            Catch myerror As Exception
                Return "error"
            End Try

        End Function
        Public conn As New MySqlConnection

        Public Sub ConnectDatabase()

                If conn.State = ConnectionState.Closed Then
                    conn.ConnectionString = "DATABASE=entertrack;" _
                      & "SERVER=;user id=admin;password=nimda;port=3306;charset=utf8"
                End If

            Catch myerror As Exception
                MsgBox("Error Connecting to the database", "Error Database Server", _

            End Try
        End Sub

        Public Sub DisconnectDatabase()
            Catch myerror As MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlException

            End Try
        End Sub
        Private Function FtpUploadFileToServer(ByVal pServer As String, _
                               ByVal pUploadPathAndFileName As String, _
                               Optional ByVal pTargetPath As String = "", _
                               Optional ByVal pTargetFileName As String = "", _
                               Optional ByVal pUserName As String = "", _
                               Optional ByVal pPassword As String = "", _
                               Optional ByVal pPort As Integer = 21, _
                               Optional ByVal pUsePassive As Boolean = False) As Boolean
            Dim objUploadStream As FileStream = Nothing
            Dim objRequest As FtpWebRequest = Nothing
            Dim objResponse As FtpWebResponse = Nothing
            Dim objRequestStream As Stream = Nothing
                status = status & " initiating upload " & pUploadPathAndFileName
                objUploadStream = File.OpenRead(pUploadPathAndFileName)
                Dim bytBuffer(CType(objUploadStream.Length, Integer)) As Byte
                objUploadStream.Read(bytBuffer, 0, bytBuffer.Length)

                If pTargetFileName.Length = 0 Then
                    pTargetFileName = IO.Path.GetFileName(objUploadStream.Name)
                End If
                Dim strUrl As String = String.Format("ftp://{0}:{1}/{2}/{3}", _
                                                     pServer, pPort, pTargetPath, pTargetFileName)
                objRequest = CType(FtpWebRequest.Create(strUrl), FtpWebRequest)
                If pUserName.Length > 0 And pPassword.Length > 0 Then
                    objRequest.Credentials = New NetworkCredential(pUserName, pPassword)
                End If
                objRequest.Method = WebRequestMethods.Ftp.UploadFile

                objRequest.Proxy = Nothing
                objRequest.KeepAlive = False
                objRequest.UsePassive = pUsePassive

                objRequestStream = objRequest.GetRequestStream()
                objRequestStream.Write(bytBuffer, 0, bytBuffer.Length)

                objResponse = CType(objRequest.GetResponse, FtpWebResponse)
                status = status & " - " & objResponse.StatusDescription & " at " & Now.TimeOfDay.ToString & " ->"

                ' ''############################################################
                ''set permission
                'Dim mytcp As New TcpClient
                'mytcp.Connect(pServer, 21)
                'Dim tcpStream As NetworkStream = mytcp.GetStream
                'Dim writer As StreamWriter = New StreamWriter(tcpStream)
                'Dim reader As StreamReader = New StreamReader(tcpStream)

                'writer.AutoFlush = True
                'writer.WriteLine("USER " + pUserName)
                'writer.WriteLine("PASS " + pPassword)

                ''writer.WriteLine("CHMOD 444 *.pdf")
                'writer.WriteLine("rm *.pdf")
                'status = status & reader.ReadLine
                ''writer.WriteLine("CHMOD 444 " & pTargetPath & pTargetFileName)

            Catch ex As Exception
                status = status & ex.Message & "->"
                    If Not objRequestStream Is Nothing Then
                    End If
                    If Not objUploadStream Is Nothing Then
                    End If
                    If Not objRequest Is Nothing Then
                        objRequest = Nothing
                    End If

                Catch ex As Exception
                    status = status & vbCrLf & ex.Message
                End Try
            End Try
        End Function
        Private Function makeLog() As Boolean
            Dim path As String = "E:\winapps\dailyFlashExcel2Html\dailyFlashExcel2Html\bin\Debug\log.txt"
            Dim sw As StreamWriter

            ' This text is added only once to the file.
            If File.Exists(path) = False Then
                ' Create a file to write to.
                sw = File.CreateText(path)

            End If

            ' This text is always added, making the file longer over time
            ' if it is not deleted.
            sw = File.AppendText(path)

            '' Open the file to read from.
            'Dim sr As StreamReader = File.OpenText(path)
            'Dim s As String
            'Do While sr.Peek() >= 0
            '    s = sr.ReadLine()
            '    Console.WriteLine(s)
        End Function
    End Class

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