prevent user from logging back in after logging out by hitting back button
prevent user from logging back in after logging out by hitting back button
Disabling browser back button by javascript is a bad idea. Here is an example that logs the user in and logs the user out and also
checks if the user is logged in. When you click the logout page you're
automatically logged out and redirected. Clicking back won't change
anything you still won't be logged in.
in login.php file
// If they are logged in, send them to homee
if(isset($_SESSION['isLoggedIn'])) {
// header("Location: start.php");
echo '<script language="javascript">';
echo 'top.location.href = "start.php";';
echo '</script>';
also add this after succesful login in login.php file
$_SESSION['isLoggedIn'] = true;
for all webpages of ur site write this in common.php
// If they are not logged in, send them to login page
if(!isset($_SESSION['isLoggedIn'])) {
header("Location: login.php");
- vinod kotiya