ASP.Net Reading Microsoft Project MPP File using interop.

ASP.Net Reading Microsoft Project MPP File using interop.
Its easy but works only on running at machine having visual studio installed. Below is a program made for importing data from MPP to SAP PS Module. The code can read data from MPP File and bind to a Grid for display.

Imports Microsoft.Office.Interop.MSProject

Page Load

        Dim appclass As New Application

        Dim oMissing = Type.Missing
        Dim bopen = appclass.FileOpenEx(Server.MapPath("./upload/") & "mspfile.mpp", True, PjMergeType.pjDoNotMerge, oMissing, oMissing, oMissing, oMissing, oMissing, oMissing, oMissing, oMissing, PjPoolOpen.pjDoNotOpenPool, oMissing, oMissing, oMissing, oMissing)

        If bopen = False Then
            lblMsg.Text = "File not opened"
            Exit Sub
        End If

        appclass.Visible = False
        Dim project As Project = appclass.ActiveProject

        Dim temp As String = "

        Dim id As Integer = 1
        '########### ' Store task id in array
        ' 0001 3 Boiler Erection Start 18FS+183 days
        Dim taskid(project.Tasks.Count), i As Integer
        i = 1

        'We require 3 no of level. Get max no of level in mpp file
        ' Rule if maxlevel is 4 > level 3 & 4 ->3 and level 1 & 2 > 2 and 0 > 1 
        Dim maxlevel = 0
        Dim currentlevel = 0
        Dim wbs = ""
        For Each task As Task In project.Tasks
            If Not task Is Nothing Then
                If Not task.Summary Then  'remove yes
                    currentlevel = task.WBS.ToString.Split(".").Count     '1 will store 3
                    If maxlevel < currentlevel Then
                        maxlevel = currentlevel
                        wbs = task.WBS
                    End If
                    i = i + 1
                End If
            End If
        ' temp = " WBS " & wbs & " MaxLevel " & maxlevel.ToString
        Dim basewbs = txtWBS.Text   '"IN-C24320.2.19.04" '"IN-C24320.2.12"  ' "IN-C24320.2.19.10"
        Dim baselevel = basewbs.ToString.Split(".").Count  'Total level should not exceed 7/8. expected is 6
        Dim taskwbs = ""
        '' to generate levels AA,AB,AC ... etc
        Dim AXcount = 0
        Dim XAcount = 0
        Dim j = 0
        Dim mytable = New System.Data.DataTable
        For Each task As Task In project.Tasks
            Dim myrow = mytable.NewRow
            If Not task Is Nothing Then
                'Rule : If summary is true then unique wbs else copy wbs of the parent
                If task.Summary Then
                    currentlevel = task.WBS.ToString.Split(".").Count

                    taskwbs = basewbs
                    Dim s() = task.WBS.ToString.Split(".")
                    Dim t = ""
                    For j = 0 To s.Length - 1
                        If Not j = 0 And baselevel + j <= 6 Then  'j=0 first octet not required, and j
                            t = t & "." & s(j).PadLeft(2, "0")
                        ElseIf baselevel + j > 6 Then
                            t = Left(t, t.Length - 3) & "." & AX(AXcount).ToString & XA(XAcount).ToString
                            XAcount = XAcount + 1
                            If XAcount = 25 Then  ' reached AZ so reset for BA
                                AXcount = AXcount + 1  'A to B
                                XAcount = 0  'Z to A
                            End If
                        End If

                    taskwbs = basewbs & t

                    myrow(0) = task.ID.ToString.PadLeft(4, "0")
                    myrow(1) = (baselevel + j - 1).ToString
                    myrow(2) = taskwbs
                    myrow(3) = task.Name
                    myrow(4) = task.Summary
                    myrow(5) = (Split(taskwbs, ".").Count).ToString
                    myrow(6) = task.WBS
                    id = id + 1
                    '   temp = temp & " " & task.ID.ToString.PadLeft(4, "0") & "" & (Split(taskwbs, ".").Count).ToString & "" & (baselevel + j - 1).ToString & "" & taskwbs & "" & task.Name & "" & task.WBS & "" & task.Summary & " "
                    myrow(0) = task.ID.ToString.PadLeft(4, "0")
                    myrow(1) = (baselevel + j - 1).ToString
                    myrow(2) = taskwbs
                    myrow(3) = task.Name
                    myrow(4) = task.Summary
                    myrow(5) = (Split(taskwbs, ".").Count).ToString
                    myrow(6) = task.WBS
                End If
            End If
        GridView1.DataSource = mytable
        '  Label1.Text = "Total Task " & project.Tasks.Count & temp & "
        ' Make sure to clean up and close the file



Zarfishan said…
Try .NET library from Aspose for reading Microsoft Project files in MPP/XML format. It also allows you to create and manipulate MS Project files in .NET.