Creating Master Network and L2 in SAP

Project Definition > WBS
Network Definition > Activity
>  Relation
Step 1. Maintain WBS Element for all activity in project definition.
Open MS project MPP file having MNW/L2
-          Right click and insert column WBS and Summary
-          Filter by summary Yes/No  .Select No to get only activities.
-          Copy these activities to another excel sheet to put wbs element and level
-          From CJ03 got to project definition IN-C34610 and get the base wbs element IN-C34610.2  to be used in new excel sheet
-          Assign wbs element and level in excel sheet for all activities
Now open CJ01 and open proj definition IN-C34610  /or directly the base wbs element IN-C34610.2
Copy the activity and wbs from excel sheet to basic data tab
All wbs element where cost has to be book tick on Acct assignment.
To prevent cost booking in some wbs element select them and go to Edit > Status > Lock > wbs element
Project > Derive structure > Check/Execute will change level

Step2 . Upload MNW and L2 network from MS project MPP to Network
CN21 create network 91000196 MASTER NETWORK KUDGI-I (3 X 800 MW)
Assign workcenter as Dummy
Now upload data activity and relationship  from upload module. In this case from excel sheet which import mpp data and export to SAP through BAPI.

- Vinod Kotiya
