Backup Windows Server to another Server : SyncToy

Backup Windows Server A to another Server B.

To create backup of data at A to server B.

1. Create a shared folder with write permission in B.

2. Access this folder in server A in my computer > Mapnetwork drive and create a new drive named z:
which represent //B/sharedfolder

3. Install a free windows software SyncToy

4. Create the folder pair and give it a name "server backup".

5. To automate the backup schedule a task in Task scheduler.
 > use synctoycmd.exe  with folder pair name as  argument  "server backup" - R

Problem you may face
problem with synctoy 2.1.
It can't find mapped network drives when run via Task Scheduler running the following command:
"C:\Program Files\SyncToy 2.1\SyncToyCmd.exe" with aruments "-R"
It works fine when I run it manually from the synctoy GUI.
The command also works fine when I execute the command above via the command line.
You need to setup synctoy using the UNC path instead of the mapped drive letter. To determine the UNC path open up the cmd prompt and type "net use". This will list the UNC paths of the mapped drives. Type this path into synctoy instead of browsing for the mapped directory. Example: my left folder is called "C:\testFolder" and my right Folder is called " //B/sharedfolder"instead of "z:\sharedfolder.
