Dynamic User Form Creation from Database for Insert and Update

Here was my requirement, I wanted to have a mastertable as shown below where i can put form information with Labels, TextBox, DropDownList, Checkbox, Date Fields etc and just call the formid and all the controls of form will be rendered on screen.

Next important step was to insert the data in designated field of multiple tables. That too needs to be controlled from master table.

Another step was to update the data in designated multiple tables.

You can design the master table field_master for forms in sqlserver, mysql, sqlite etc.

  • Printorder is the order of rendering the control on Form
  • formid represent which form you want to render. You can have so many forms in the table identified by this field.
  • field_name is the name to be displayed as label for control like Name
  • field_type is the type of control to be rendered like text for textbox, label for label, dropdown for List etc.
  • required Y or N for field is required or not
  • default_values   Here you can enter values like Vinod for name, If you want value to come from some database table then Use this Syntax TABLE names VALUE name so it will load value of name from names table.

for radiobutton and drop down you can use comma separated values like orange, apple
If you want value to come from some database table then Use this Syntax TABLE names Text name VALUE empno so it will load value of name from names table.

  • table_name and table_fname are the name of table and field name where value will be inserted or updated on form submission.

Here is a sample for testform with all possible controls and destination where data will be saved.

So I created a class file in App_code folder to call and render control on any webform and also update it.

How we will implement it.

1. We will create a panel on web form to Hold form Controls
2. We will create dynamic placeHolder Control and add form controls as per the master table
3. Placeholder will be added to Panel
4. On Submit button we will call Insert or Update function which will do validation and insert/update data on destination tables.

Create a class file and make a public function to Create Controls

  Public Shared Function CreateDynamicControls(ByVal formid As String, Optional ByVal loadForUpdate As Boolean = False, Optional ByVal MatchPrimaryKey As String = "Needed if you want to get form for updation with prefilled values") As PlaceHolder  
     '"###################### Create Fresh Form ######################################  
     ' call just function   
     ' pnlForm.Controls.Add(CreateDynamicControls("addproj"))  
     ' Supply formid in parameter and all controls will be returned in place holder  
     '  Add this placeholder to any panel in your web page  
     '##################### Updation Form ###########################################  
     ' second parameter loadforupdate should be true and MatchPrimaryKey should be project_code = '157'   
     ' pnlForm.Controls.Add(CreateDynamicControls("addproj", True, "project_code = 151"))  
     ' It will retrieve old values using primary key and prefill the form for update.  
     ' if you have multiple tables in Form then all table must have same key for retrival  
     ' #############################################################################  
     ' #############################################################################  
     ' ##################  InsertFormData #########################################  
     ' Dim ret = InsertForm("addproj", PlaceHolder1)  
     ' #############################################################################  
     ' #################### Update Form Data ######################################  
     '  Dim ret = updateForm("addproj", PlaceHolder1, "project_code = '151'")  
     '  if you have multiple tables in Form and wand to get updated multiple tables   
     '  then all table must have same key for updation  
     ' ##############################################################################  
       Dim dt = getDBTable("select field_id, field_name,field_type,default_values, required, table_name, table_fname from Field_master where formid = '" & formid & "' order by printorder")  
       ' dt = CustomFields()  
       Dim PlaceHolder1 As PlaceHolder = New PlaceHolder()  
       PlaceHolder1.ID = "PlaceHolder1"  
       If dt.Rows.Count > 0 Then  
         For i As Int32 = 0 To dt.Rows.Count - 1  
           Dim tr As HtmlGenericControl = New HtmlGenericControl("tr")  
           Dim td As HtmlGenericControl = New HtmlGenericControl("td")  
           Dim td1 As HtmlGenericControl = New HtmlGenericControl("td")  
           Dim FieldName As String = Convert.ToString(dt.Rows(i)("field_name"))  
           Dim FieldID As String = Convert.ToString(dt.Rows(i)("field_id"))  
           Dim FieldType As String = Convert.ToString(dt.Rows(i)("field_type"))  
           Dim FieldValue As String = Convert.ToString(dt.Rows(i)("default_values"))  
           Dim required As String = Convert.ToString(dt.Rows(i)("required"))  
           Dim table As String = Convert.ToString(dt.Rows(i)("table_name"))  
           Dim field As String = Convert.ToString(dt.Rows(i)("table_fname"))  
           Dim star = "*"  
           If Not required.Contains("Y") Then star = ""  
           Dim lbcustomename As Label = New Label()  
           lbcustomename.Text = FieldName & star  
           lbcustomename.ID = "lb" & FieldID  
           lbcustomename.CssClass = "form-label"  
           If FieldType.ToLower().Trim() = "label" Then  
             Dim lb As Label = New Label()  
             lb.ID = "lbl" & FieldID  
             'If FieldValue.StartsWith("KEY") Then  
             '  lb.Text = 156 ' getDBsingle("select max(" & field & ") + 1 from " & table)  
             lb.Text = FieldValue  
             ' End If  
             lb.CssClass = "form-control" 'mt-20  
             PlaceHolder1.Controls.Add(New LiteralControl("<br />"))  
           ElseIf FieldType.ToLower().Trim() = "text" Or FieldType.ToLower().Trim() = "number" Or FieldType.ToLower().Trim() = "date" Then  
             Dim txtcustombox As TextBox = New TextBox()  
             txtcustombox.ID = "txt" & FieldID  
             If loadForUpdate Then  
               ' update form load with key values  
               If FieldType.ToLower().Trim() = "date" Then field = "DATE_FORMAT(" & field & ", '%d.%m.%Y')"  
               txtcustombox.Text = getDBsingle("select " & field & " from " & table & " where " & MatchPrimaryKey & " limit 1")  
               ''' Fresh form load with default values  
               txtcustombox.Text = FieldValue  
             End If  
             txtcustombox.CssClass = "form-control" 'mt-20  
             'If FieldType.ToLower().Trim() = "date" Then txtcustombox.CssClass = "form-control vindateClass" ''needed for jquery calander but now using ajax  
             If FieldType.ToLower().Trim() = "number" Then '' add validators for number field  
               Dim comparevalid = New CompareValidator  
               comparevalid.ID = "comp" & FieldID  
               comparevalid.ControlToValidate = "txt" & FieldID  
               comparevalid.Type = ValidationDataType.[Double]  
               comparevalid.Operator = ValidationCompareOperator.DataTypeCheck  
               comparevalid.ErrorMessage = "Only Numeric Value Allowed"  
             End If  
             If FieldType.ToLower().Trim() = "date" Then '' add calander for date field  
               Dim calander = New AjaxControlToolkit.CalendarExtender  
               calander.ID = "cal" & FieldID  
               calander.TargetControlID = "txt" & FieldID  
               calander.Format = "dd.MM.yyyy"  
             End If  
             PlaceHolder1.Controls.Add(New LiteralControl("<br />"))  
           ElseIf FieldType.ToLower().Trim() = "checkbox" Then  
             Dim chkbox As CheckBoxList = New CheckBoxList()  
             chkbox.ID = "cbl" & FieldID  
             If FieldValue.StartsWith("TABLE") Then  
               Dim tabledetail() = FieldValue.Split(" ")  
               'table name  
               Dim tablename = tabledetail(1)  
               Dim textfield = tabledetail(3)  
               Dim valuefield = tabledetail(5)  
               chkbox.DataTextField = textfield  
               chkbox.DataValueField = valuefield  
               Dim q = "select " & textfield & ", " & valuefield & " from " & tablename  
               ' divMsg.InnerHtml = q  
               chkbox.DataSource = getDBTable(q)  
             ElseIf FieldValue <> String.Empty Then  
               ''split the comma seperated value  
               Dim items() = FieldValue.Split(",")  
               For Each item In items  
                 chkbox.Items.Add(New ListItem(item, item))  
               '  divMsg.InnerHtml = "No values"  
             End If  
             If loadForUpdate Then  
               ' update form load with key values  
                 chkbox.SelectedValue = getDBsingle("select " & field & " from " & table & " where " & MatchPrimaryKey & " limit 1")  
               Catch ex2 As Exception  
               End Try  
             End If  
             PlaceHolder1.Controls.Add(New LiteralControl("<br />"))  
           ElseIf FieldType.ToLower().Trim() = "radiobutton" Then  
             Dim rbnlst As RadioButtonList = New RadioButtonList()  
             rbnlst.ID = "rbl" & FieldID  
             If FieldValue.StartsWith("TABLE") Then  
               Dim tabledetail() = FieldValue.Split(" ")  
               'table name  
               Dim tablename = tabledetail(1)  
               Dim textfield = tabledetail(3)  
               Dim valuefield = tabledetail(5)  
               rbnlst.DataTextField = textfield  
               rbnlst.DataValueField = valuefield  
               Dim q = "select " & textfield & ", " & valuefield & " from " & tablename  
               ' divMsg.InnerHtml = q  
               rbnlst.DataSource = getDBTable(q)  
             ElseIf FieldValue <> String.Empty Then  
               ''split the comma seperated value  
               Dim items() = FieldValue.Split(",")  
               For Each item In items  
                 rbnlst.Items.Add(New ListItem(item, item))  
               '  divMsg.InnerHtml = "No values"  
             End If  
             If loadForUpdate Then  
               ' update form load with key values  
                 rbnlst.SelectedValue = getDBsingle("select " & field & " from " & table & " where " & MatchPrimaryKey & " limit 1")  
               Catch ex2 As Exception  
               End Try  
             End If  
             rbnlst.RepeatDirection = RepeatDirection.Horizontal  
             rbnlst.RepeatColumns = 5  
             PlaceHolder1.Controls.Add(New LiteralControl("<br />"))  
           ElseIf FieldType.ToLower().Trim() = "dropdown" Then  
             Dim ddllst As DropDownList = New DropDownList()  
             ddllst.ID = "ddl" & FieldID  
             ''check if default value comes from table  
             If FieldValue.StartsWith("TABLE") Then  
               Dim tabledetail() = FieldValue.Split(" ")  
               'table name  
               Dim tablename = tabledetail(1)  
               Dim textfield = tabledetail(3)  
               Dim valuefield = tabledetail(5)  
               ddllst.DataTextField = textfield  
               ddllst.DataValueField = valuefield  
               ddllst.Style.Add("display", "block")  
               Dim q = "select " & textfield & ", " & valuefield & " from " & tablename  
               ' divMsg.InnerHtml = q  
               ddllst.DataSource = getDBTable(q)  
             ElseIf FieldValue <> String.Empty Then  
               ''split the comma seperated value  
               Dim items() = FieldValue.Split(",")  
               For Each item In items  
                 ddllst.Items.Add(New ListItem(item, item))  
             End If  
             If loadForUpdate Then  
               ' update form load with key values  
                 ddllst.SelectedValue = getDBsingle("select " & field & " from " & table & " where " & MatchPrimaryKey & " limit 1")  
               Catch ex2 As Exception  
               End Try  
             End If  
             PlaceHolder1.Controls.Add(New LiteralControl("<br />"))  
           End If  
           'If i = dt.Rows.Count - 1 Then  
           '  tr = New HtmlGenericControl("tr")  
           '  td = New HtmlGenericControl("td")  
           '  Dim btnSubmit As Button = New Button()  
           '  btnSubmit.ID = "btnSubmit"  
           '  btnSubmit.CssClass = "primary-btn submit-btn d-inline-flex align-items-center mr-10"  
           '  ' btnSubmit.Style.Add("background-color", "-moz-linear-gradient(0deg, #3e69fe 0%, #4cd4e3 100%)")  
           '  ' btnSubmit.CommandArgument = i.ToString()  
           '  AddHandler btnSubmit.Click, AddressOf Me.btnsubmit_Click  
           '  'btnSubmit.OnClientClick = "return alert ('hi');"  
           '  'btnSubmit.Attributes.Add("runat", "server")  
           '  btnSubmit.Text = "Submit"  
           '  td.Controls.Add(btnSubmit)  
           '  td.Attributes.Add("Colspan", "2")  
           '  td.Attributes.Add("style", "text-align:center;")  
           '  tr.Controls.Add(td)  
           '  PlaceHolder1.Controls.Add(tr)  
           'End If  
       End If  
       Return PlaceHolder1  
     Catch ex As Exception  
       Dim PlaceHolder1 As PlaceHolder = New PlaceHolder()  
       PlaceHolder1.ID = "PlaceHolder1"  
       PlaceHolder1.Controls.Add(New LiteralControl(" <h3>Error </h3> " & ex.Message))  
       Return PlaceHolder1  
     End Try  
   End Function  

Make another function to Insert Data

   Public Shared Function InsertForm(ByVal formid As String, ByVal PlaceHolder1 As PlaceHolder) As String  
     '' get tables in order to make insert query  
     '"###################### Create Fresh Form ######################################  
     ' call just function   
     ' pnlForm.Controls.Add(CreateDynamicControls("addproj"))  
     ' Supply formid in parameter and all controls will be returned in place holder  
     '  Add this placeholder to any panel in your web page  
     '##################### Updation Form ###########################################  
     ' second parameter loadforupdate should be true and MatchPrimaryKey should be project_code = '157'   
     ' pnlForm.Controls.Add(CreateDynamicControls("addproj", True, "project_code = 151"))  
     ' It will retrieve old values using primary key and prefill the form for update.  
     ' if you have multiple tables in Form then all table must have same key for retrival  
     ' #############################################################################  
     ' #############################################################################  
     ' ##################  InsertFormData #########################################  
     ' Dim ret = InsertForm("addproj", PlaceHolder1)  
     ' #############################################################################  
     ' #################### Update Form Data ######################################  
     '  Dim ret = updateForm("addproj", PlaceHolder1, "project_code = '151'")  
     '  if you have multiple tables in Form and wand to get updated multiple tables   
     '  then all table must have same key for updation  
     ' ##############################################################################  
       Dim mydt = getDBTable("select field_id,field_name,field_type,default_values, required, table_name, table_fname from Field_master where formid = '" & formid & "' and not field_type = 'label' order by table_name")  
       Dim msg = ""  
       Dim insertStmt As New System.Collections.Generic.List(Of String)() ' "insert into currTable values(table_fname,table_fname)"  
       Dim tables As New System.Collections.Generic.List(Of String)()  
       Dim currTable = ""  
       For Each r In mydt.Rows  
         If currTable <> r("table_name") Then  
           currTable = r("table_name")  
           Dim foundRows() As System.Data.DataRow  
           foundRows = mydt.Select("table_name = '" & currTable & "'")  
           Dim commaSeparatedFields As String = String.Join(",", foundRows.AsEnumerable().[Select](Function(x) x.Field(Of String)("table_fname").ToString()).ToArray())  
           insertStmt.Add("insert into " & currTable & " (" & commaSeparatedFields & ") ")  
         End If  
       '' now append value fields  
       Dim i = 0  
       For Each currTable In tables  
         Dim values = ""  
         Dim foundRows() As System.Data.DataRow  
         foundRows = mydt.Select("table_name = '" & currTable & "'")  
         For Each r In foundRows  
           Dim FieldName = Convert.ToString(r("field_name"))  
           Dim FieldID As String = Convert.ToString(r("field_id"))  
           Dim required As String = Convert.ToString(r("required"))  
           Dim FieldType = Convert.ToString(r("field_type"))  
           If FieldType.ToLower().Trim() = "label" Then  
             Dim lb As Label = CType(PlaceHolder1.FindControl("lbl" & FieldID), Label)  
             If lb IsNot Nothing Then  
               values = values & " '" & lb.Text.Replace("'", "") & "',"  
             End If  
           End If  
           If FieldType.ToLower().Trim() = "text" Or FieldType.ToLower().Trim() = "number" Or FieldType.ToLower().Trim() = "date" Then  
             Dim txtbox As TextBox = CType(PlaceHolder1.FindControl("txt" & FieldID), TextBox)  
             If txtbox IsNot Nothing Then  
               If checkForSQLInjection(txtbox.Text) Then Return "Invalid input found in " & FieldName  
               If required = "Y" And String.IsNullOrEmpty(txtbox.Text) Then Return "Required Field: " & FieldName  
               If FieldType.ToLower().Trim() = "number" Then If Not isNumber(txtbox.Text) Then Return "Value must be numeric in " & FieldName  
               If FieldType.ToLower().Trim() = "date" Then  
                 Dim vin_dt = DateTime.ParseExact(txtbox.Text, "dd.MM.yyyy", Nothing)  
                 values = values & " '" & vin_dt.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") & "',"  
                 values = values & " '" & txtbox.Text.Replace("'", "") & "',"  
               End If  
             End If  
             End If  
           If FieldType.ToLower().Trim() = "dropdown" Then  
             Dim ddl As DropDownList = CType(PlaceHolder1.FindControl("ddl" & FieldID), DropDownList)  
             If ddl IsNot Nothing Then  
               If required = "Y" And ddl.SelectedIndex < 0 Then Return "Required Field: " & FieldName  
               values = values & " '" & ddl.SelectedValue & "',"  
             End If  
           End If  
           If FieldType.ToLower().Trim() = "checkbox" Then  
             Dim cbl As CheckBoxList = CType(PlaceHolder1.FindControl("cbl" & FieldID), CheckBoxList)  
             If cbl IsNot Nothing Then  
               If required = "Y" And cbl.SelectedIndex < 0 Then Return "Required Field: " & FieldName  
               values = values & " '" & cbl.SelectedValue & "',"  
             End If  
           End If  
           If FieldType.ToLower().Trim() = "radiobutton" Then  
             Dim rbl As RadioButtonList = CType(PlaceHolder1.FindControl("rbl" & FieldID), RadioButtonList)  
             If rbl IsNot Nothing Then  
               If required = "Y" And rbl.SelectedIndex < 0 Then Return "Required Field: " & FieldName  
               values = values & " '" & rbl.SelectedValue & "',"  
             End If  
           End If  
         ''trim lastcomma  
         values = values.TrimEnd(",")  
         '' append values in insert stmt  
         insertStmt(i) = insertStmt(i) & " value (" & values & ") "  
         i = i + 1  
       For Each q In insertStmt  
         ' divMsg.InnerHtml = divMsg.InnerHtml & q  
         msg = msg & "Executing query " '& q & " <br/>"  
         Dim ret = executeDB(q)  
         If ret = "ok" Then  
           msg = msg & "Success " & " <br/>"  
           msg = msg & "Error in query " & q & " <br/>"  
         End If  
       Return msg  
     Catch ex As Exception  
       Return "Error " & ex.Message  
     End Try  
   End Function  

Make another function to update data

   Public Shared Function isNumber(ByVal val As String) As Boolean  
     Dim d As Double  
       Double.TryParse(val, d)  
       Return True  
     Catch ex As Exception  
       Return False  
     End Try  
   End Function  
   Public Shared Function updateForm(ByVal formid As String, ByVal PlaceHolder1 As PlaceHolder, ByVal MatchPrimaryKey As String) As String  
     ''' MatchPrimaryKey should be same in multiple tables for same form  
     '"###################### Create Fresh Form ######################################  
     ' call just function   
     ' pnlForm.Controls.Add(CreateDynamicControls("addproj"))  
     ' Supply formid in parameter and all controls will be returned in place holder  
     '  Add this placeholder to any panel in your web page  
     '##################### Updation Form ###########################################  
     ' second parameter loadforupdate should be true and MatchPrimaryKey should be project_code = '157'   
     ' pnlForm.Controls.Add(CreateDynamicControls("addproj", True, "project_code = 151"))  
     ' It will retrieve old values using primary key and prefill the form for update.  
     ' if you have multiple tables in Form then all table must have same key for retrival  
     ' #############################################################################  
     ' #############################################################################  
     ' ##################  InsertFormData #########################################  
     ' Dim ret = InsertForm("addproj", PlaceHolder1)  
     ' #############################################################################  
     ' #################### Update Form Data ######################################  
     '  Dim ret = updateForm("addproj", PlaceHolder1, "project_code = '151'")  
     '  if you have multiple tables in Form and wand to get updated multiple tables   
     '  then all table must have same key for updation  
     ' ##############################################################################  
     '' get tables in order to make update query  
       Dim mydt = getDBTable("select field_id,field_name,field_type,default_values, required, table_name, table_fname from Field_master where formid = '" & formid & "' and not field_type = 'label' order by table_name")  
       Dim msg = ""  
       Dim updateStmt As New System.Collections.Generic.List(Of String)() ' "update currTable set table_fname = '' ,table_fname = '' where MatchPrimaryKey"  
       Dim tables As New System.Collections.Generic.List(Of String)()  
       Dim currTable = ""  
       For Each r In mydt.Rows  
         If currTable <> r("table_name") Then  
           currTable = r("table_name")  
         End If  
       '' now append value fields  
       For Each currTable In tables  
         Dim values = ""  
         Dim foundRows() As System.Data.DataRow  
         foundRows = mydt.Select("table_name = '" & currTable & "'")  
         For Each r In foundRows  
           Dim FieldName = Convert.ToString(r("field_name"))  
           Dim FieldID As String = Convert.ToString(r("field_id"))  
           Dim required As String = Convert.ToString(r("required"))  
           Dim FieldType = Convert.ToString(r("field_type"))  
           Dim table_fname As String = Convert.ToString(r("table_fname"))  
           If FieldType.ToLower().Trim() = "label" Then  
             Dim lb As Label = CType(PlaceHolder1.FindControl("lbl" & FieldID), Label)  
             If lb IsNot Nothing Then  
               values = values & " " & table_fname & " ='" & lb.Text.Replace("'", "") & "',"  
             End If  
           End If  
           If FieldType.ToLower().Trim() = "text" Or FieldType.ToLower().Trim() = "number" Or FieldType.ToLower().Trim() = "date" Then  
             Dim txtbox As TextBox = CType(PlaceHolder1.FindControl("txt" & FieldID), TextBox)  
             If txtbox IsNot Nothing Then  
               If checkForSQLInjection(txtbox.Text) Then Return "Invalid input found in " & FieldName  
               If required = "Y" And String.IsNullOrEmpty(txtbox.Text) Then Return "Required Field: " & FieldName  
               If FieldType.ToLower().Trim() = "number" Then If Not isNumber(txtbox.Text) Then Return "Value must be numeric in " & FieldName  
               If FieldType.ToLower().Trim() = "date" Then  
                 Dim vin_dt = DateTime.ParseExact(txtbox.Text, "dd.MM.yyyy", Nothing)  
                 values = values & " " & table_fname & " ='" & vin_dt.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") & "',"  
                 values = values & " " & table_fname & " ='" & txtbox.Text.Replace("'", "") & "',"  
               End If  
             End If  
           End If  
           If FieldType.ToLower().Trim() = "dropdown" Then  
             Dim ddl As DropDownList = CType(PlaceHolder1.FindControl("ddl" & FieldID), DropDownList)  
             If ddl IsNot Nothing Then  
               If required = "Y" And ddl.SelectedIndex < 0 Then Return "Required Field: " & FieldName  
               values = values & " " & table_fname & " ='" & ddl.SelectedValue & "',"  
             End If  
           End If  
           If FieldType.ToLower().Trim() = "checkbox" Then  
             Dim cbl As CheckBoxList = CType(PlaceHolder1.FindControl("cbl" & FieldID), CheckBoxList)  
             If cbl IsNot Nothing Then  
               If required = "Y" And cbl.SelectedIndex < 0 Then Return "Required Field: " & FieldName  
               values = values & " " & table_fname & " ='" & cbl.SelectedValue & "',"  
             End If  
           End If  
           If FieldType.ToLower().Trim() = "radiobutton" Then  
             Dim rbl As RadioButtonList = CType(PlaceHolder1.FindControl("rbl" & FieldID), RadioButtonList)  
             If rbl IsNot Nothing Then  
               If required = "Y" And rbl.SelectedIndex < 0 Then Return "Required Field: " & FieldName  
               values = values & " " & table_fname & " ='" & rbl.SelectedValue & "',"  
             End If  
           End If  
         ''trim lastcomma  
         values = values.TrimEnd(",")  
         '' append values in insert stmt  
         updateStmt.Add(" update " & currTable & " set " & values & " where " & MatchPrimaryKey)  
       For Each q In updateStmt  
         ' divMsg.InnerHtml = divMsg.InnerHtml & q  
         msg = msg & "Executing query " '& q & " <br/>"  
         Dim ret = executeDB(q)  
         If ret = "ok" Then  
           msg = msg & "Success " & " <br/>"  
           msg = msg & "Error in query " & q & " <br/>"  
         End If  
       Return msg  
     Catch ex As Exception  
       Return "Error " & ex.Message  
     End Try  
   End Function  

How to create dynamic form

In your aspx page create a Panel with submit button as follows:

How to Create form for Insert new Records

In your page load  without postback Call the function like this

Private Sub perf_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
If Not Page.IsPostBack Then
'''Postback code
End If
End Sub

This will create a new blank form for Inserting the Data like this

How to Insert on Submit

Private Sub btnSubmit_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnSubmit.Click

          Dim PlaceHolder1 As PlaceHolder = CType(pnlForm.FindControl("PlaceHolder1"), PlaceHolder)
        Dim ret = InsertForm("testform", PlaceHolder1)
        divInfo.InnerHtml = getMessage(ret, "info") 'success alert info warning
    End Sub

Create form for Updation:

For this you need to supply the primary key for preloading the form data. We send a parameter true to indicate updation form with primary key filter as shown

Private Sub perf_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
If Not Page.IsPostBack Then
'''Postback code
End If
   pnlForm.Controls.Add(CreateDynamicControls("testform", True, "project_code = '151'"))
End Sub

How to Update on Submit

Private Sub btnSubmit_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnSubmit.Click

          Dim PlaceHolder1 As PlaceHolder = CType(pnlForm.FindControl("PlaceHolder1"), PlaceHolder)
        Dim ret = updateForm("testform", PlaceHolder1, "project_code = '151'")
        divInfo.InnerHtml = getMessage(ret, "info") 'success alert info warning
    End Sub

This way you can make any number of form without much coding

- Written By

Vinod Kotiya
