Create a Google cloud Instance from Ubuntu .ova virtual box file


Steps to create a GCC Instance from .ova file

Step1: Use this command to upload the 9GB .ova file in a bucket. Its fast than browser.

gsutil cp "C:\Users\91965\Downloads\ubuntu18_cpen.ova" gs://ubuntuvof

Step2: Go to Google cloud console. Open Compute Engine > Images and create a new image with source as virtual disk (VMDK,VHD) . It will ask for bucket path where .ova is stored.

Image creation will take 40-50 Minutes.

Step3: Click on Image name and you will see a create instance button at top. Click on it and choose your compute engine configuration. Now your instance will be ready to be connected through ssh.

(Optional) You may need to create ssh key on windows machine command prompt.

ssh-keygen -t rsa -f C:\Users\YOUR USER NAME\.ssh\ -C UBUNTU_USER_NAME -b 2048

Step4: Open putty and put external ip address to get connected on terminal.

Written By:

Vinod Kotiya
